Magzter is a digital newsstand featuring thousands of magazines from around the world. Offerings cover over 40 categories spanning automotive, business, cooking, entertainment and fashion magazines; lifestyle publications; news; sports; technology.
Magzter Gold subscription service costs $9.99 monthly and gives access to over 7,500 titles.
Magzter is an international digital newsstand and magazine store providing publishers with an innovative revenue-share business model to distribute the latest edition of their magazines globally without incurring an upfront fee. Leveraging Magzter’s Orey Click Publishing System as their digital publishing platform, Magzter provides all necessary tools to create and distribute digital editions of publications worldwide.
These capabilities also enable publishers to publish interactive/audio/visual content as well as HTML 5. This provides readers with a superior reading experience.
Users can share articles across their social media channels and bookmark them for later reading, even downloading back issues for offline reading.
Magzter Gold is one of the leading all-you-can-read digital magazine subscription services with over 10 million users and 27 million titles, providing access to top international publications such as Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Entrepreneur Magazine, Maxim, ESPN The Magazine Inc and Fast Company Magazines.
Magzter is an online newsstand offering subscriptions to numerous magazines. Recently, they unveiled a subscription service allowing users to read all issues at one flat monthly fee.
MagZter offers an expansive database of digital magazines from around the globe and an innovative business model that allows publishers to distribute their magazine digitally without incurring upfront costs.
MagEnhance provides users with an easier experience when reading magazines on multiple devices, allowing them to add video, audio, links, and slideshows directly into digital magazines.
Magzter was founded in 2011, competing against digital newsstand services like Next Issue and Zinio by providing users with a Netflix-esque platform for reading digital magazines via iOS app.
At Oread Publishing Systems (r), their revolutionary ezRead 2.0 feature enables smartphone and small screen mobile readers to experience magazine content with stunning videos at high resolution and at any mobile display size. Their proprietary OREY Click Publishing System(r) also makes uploading digital editions simple for publishers – just one touch can upload digital editions directly into Oread’s Digital Publishing Suite(r).
Payment options
Magzter magazines accept various payment options, such as credit cards, net banking and prepaid cards. Furthermore, PayPal is accepted.
Magzter offers users access to digital magazines from around the world, and allows users to download past issues for offline reading. Magzter also offers personalized recommendations as well as the option to share content with family and friends.
Magzter Gold provides users with access to thousands of magazines for $9.99 per month – an ideal solution for readers who enjoy reading multiple magazines every month.
Magzter and Readly have joined forces to offer users up to five magazines each month for free or buy individual titles for $4.99 each month. Both services offer apps for iOS, Android and Kindle Fire devices, and support adding up to four family members without incurring additional costs.
Customer service
Magzter is an international digital newsstand offering thousands of magazines from more than 5,000 publishers. Headquartered in New York and with offices and sales teams located worldwide – such as London, Mexico City, Amsterdam Mumbai Bengaluru Singapore.
Magzter was established in 2011 by Girish Ramdas and Vijay Radhakrishnan and has quickly become the world’s largest digital magazine store. Offering various innovative features like family sharing, users can clip articles from magazines they enjoy to share on social media with family or friends.
Magzter also features an innovative feature, enabling readers to access thousands of top magazines, newspapers and premium stories in just one swipe from anywhere around the world. Magzter offers publishers a revenue share model so all ad revenues from digital magazines remain theirs – which benefits all parties involved!
Magzter stands out as an impressive service with its potential implementation of an interactive elements creation tool which will let publishers add interactive components that can be seen on tablets, e-readers and the web – an innovative solution that allows magazines to become more engaging without costing extra or compromising quality.